No Cost Services


About Us

Brightmore provides superior home health services at no cost to EEOICPA/RECA beneficiaries.

uew-aboutBefore our family based company became a national leader in home health, our heritage began deep in the mines of Blanding, Utah. Having been a predominant mining family during the uranium industries’ prime, we learned to cope with the affects of exposure that came years later.

These experiences have given us a unique perspective in providing superior care to our patients. By combining a well trained and experienced staff with the compassion that can only come from our first hand experience, we have set the industry standard for treating these special patients. It is this premise that has led to our rapidly expanding company. We know you will feel and appreciate the extraordinary difference. We have providers throughout the country to serve you.

Brightmore provides superior home health services at no cost to EEOICPA/RECA beneficiaries. By combining an experienced staff with the compassion that can only come from first hand experience, we have set the industry standard for treating these special patients. It is this premise that has led to our rapidly expanding company. We know you will feel and appreciate the extraordinary difference.

We offer our clients a wide range of services for a wide range of conditions. Please visit our Services & Conditions page for more details.

Brightmore works to provide excellent care to EEOICPA and RECA beneficiaries around the country. For a list of current offices please visit our Contact Us page.

Who We Serve

Do you have this card?

If you already have this card, then you are already approved to receive no-cost medical benefits! Call us to get started today.

In order to be eligible for EEOICPA/RECA benefits, an individual must have been employed at a covered Department of Energy facility, an approved atomic weapons facility, or at a permitted beryllium vendor. An individual must also have one of the covered conditions as a result of exposure to radiation, beryllium, or silica while employed at an accepted facility. In addition, uranium miners, millers, and ore transporters are eligible for benefits if they develop an illness as a result of exposure to toxic substances (such as radiation, chemicals, solvents, acids, and metals) and worked at a facility covered under RECA. Eligibility requirements vary by location and condition.